Source code for hypodisc.core.sequential

#! /usr/bin/env python

from collections import Counter
from random import random
from multiprocessing import Manager
from typing import Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from import write_query

from rdf.formats import NTriples
from rdf.namespaces import RDF, RDFS
from rdf.terms import IRIRef
from rdf.terms import Literal as rdfLiteral

from hypodisc.core.utils import predict_hash
from import KnowledgeGraph
from hypodisc.core.structures import (Assertion, GraphPattern,
from hypodisc.multimodal.clustering import (compute_clusters,
from hypodisc.multimodal.datatypes import (XSD_DATEFRAG, XSD_DATETIME,
                                           XSD_NUMERIC, XSD_STRING)

IGNORE_PREDICATES = {RDF + 'type', RDFS + 'label'}

[docs]def generate(root_patterns: dict[str, list], depths: range, min_support: int, p_explore: float, p_extend: float, max_length: int, max_width: int, out_writer: Optional[NTriples], out_prefix_map: Optional[dict[str, str]], out_ns: Optional[IRIRef], strategy: Literal["BFS", "DFS"]) -> int: """ Generate all patterns up to and including a maximum depth which satisfy a minimal support. :param depths: :type depths: range :param min_support: :type min_support: int :param p_explore: :type p_explore: float :param p_extend: :type p_extend: float :param max_length: :type max_length: int :param max_width: :type max_width: int """ if strategy == "BFS": return generate_bf(root_patterns=root_patterns, depths=depths, min_support=min_support, p_explore=p_explore, p_extend=p_extend, max_length=max_length, max_width=max_width, out_writer=out_writer, out_prefix_map=out_prefix_map, out_ns=out_ns) else: # DFS return generate_df(root_patterns=root_patterns, depths=depths, min_support=min_support, p_explore=p_explore, p_extend=p_extend, max_length=max_length, max_width=max_width, out_writer=out_writer, out_prefix_map=out_prefix_map, out_ns=out_ns)
[docs]def generate_df(root_patterns: dict[str, list], depths: range, min_support: int, p_explore: float, p_extend: float, max_length: int, max_width: int, out_writer: Optional[NTriples], out_prefix_map: Optional[dict[str, str]], out_ns: Optional[IRIRef]) -> int: """ Generate all patterns up to and including a maximum depth which satisfy a minimal support, using a depth first approach. This approach uses less memory but does not have the anytime property. :param depths: :type depths: range :param min_support: :type min_support: int :param p_explore: :type p_explore: float :param p_extend: :type p_extend: float :param max_length: :type max_length: int :param max_width: :type max_width: int """ patterns = set() num_patterns = 0 for name in sorted(list(root_patterns.keys())): print(f"type {name}") visited = set() for depth in range(0, depths.stop): print(" exploring depth {} / {}".format(depth+1, depths.stop), end=" ") if depth == 0: patterns = root_patterns[name] derivatives = set() for pattern in patterns: if len(pattern) >= max_length or pattern.width() >= max_width: continue # Gather candidate endpoints at this depth. # Only consider unbound object type variables since we # cannot connect to literals or data type variables, and # bound entities already have a fixed context. if depth <= 0: endpoints = {pattern.root} # add these as parents for next depth if isinstance(pattern.assertion.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable): derivatives.add(pattern) else: endpoints = {a.rhs for a in pattern.distances[depth-1] if isinstance(a.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable)} candidates = set() for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.value not in root_patterns.keys(): # no extension available continue if p_explore < random(): # skip this endpoint with probability p_explore continue # Gather all candidate extensions that can connect # to an object type variable of the relevant type. for base_pattern in root_patterns[endpoint.value]: if p_extend < random(): # skip this extension with probability p_extend continue # get base assertion extension = base_pattern.assertion # prune if pattern.contains_at_depth(extension, depth): continue pattern_hash = predict_hash(pattern, endpoint, extension) if pattern_hash in visited: continue visited.add(pattern_hash) candidates.add((endpoint, extension)) extensions = explore(pattern, candidates=candidates, max_length=max_length, max_width=max_width, min_support=min_support) if out_writer is not None and out_prefix_map is not None: for pattern in extensions: num_patterns = write_query(out_writer, pattern, num_patterns, out_ns, out_prefix_map) derivatives |= extensions print("(+{} discovered)".format(len(derivatives))) # omit exhausted classes from next iteration if len(derivatives) > 0: patterns = {v for v in derivatives} else: break return num_patterns
[docs]def generate_bf(root_patterns: dict[str, list], depths: range, min_support: int, p_explore: float, p_extend: float, max_length: int, max_width: int, out_writer: Optional[NTriples], out_prefix_map: Optional[dict[str, str]], out_ns: Optional[IRIRef]) -> int: """ Generate all patterns up to and including a maximum depth which satisfy a minimal support, using a breadth first approach. This approach has the anytime property yet uses more memory. :param depths: :type depths: range :param min_support: :type min_support: int :param p_explore: :type p_explore: float :param p_extend: :type p_extend: float :param max_length: :type max_length: int :param max_width: :type max_width: int """ parents = dict() num_patterns = 0 for depth in range(0, depths.stop): print("exploring depth {} / {}".format(depth+1, depths.stop)) if depth == 0: parents = root_patterns visited = set() derivatives = dict() for name in sorted(list(parents.keys())): print(f" type {name}", end=" ") patterns = parents[name] if depth > 0: patterns = parents.pop(name) derivatives[name] = set() for pattern in patterns: if len(pattern) >= max_length or pattern.width() >= max_width: continue # Gather candidate endpoints at this depth. # Only consider unbound object type variables since we # cannot connect to literals or data type variables, and # bound entities already have a fixed context. if depth <= 0: endpoints = {pattern.root} # add these as parents for next depth if isinstance(pattern.assertion.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable): derivatives[name].add(pattern) else: endpoints = {a.rhs for a in pattern.distances[depth-1] if isinstance(a.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable)} candidates = set() for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.value not in root_patterns.keys(): # no extension available continue if p_explore < random(): # skip this endpoint with probability p_explore continue # Gather all candidate extensions that can connect # to an object type variable of the relevant type. for base_pattern in root_patterns[endpoint.value]: if p_extend < random(): # skip this extension with probability p_extend continue # get base assertion extension = base_pattern.assertion # prune if pattern.contains_at_depth(extension, depth): continue pattern_hash = predict_hash(pattern, endpoint, extension) if pattern_hash in visited: continue visited.add(pattern_hash) candidates.add((endpoint, extension)) extensions = explore(pattern, candidates=candidates, max_length=max_length, max_width=max_width, min_support=min_support) if out_writer is not None and out_prefix_map is not None: for pattern in extensions: num_patterns = write_query(out_writer, pattern, num_patterns, out_ns, out_prefix_map) derivatives[name] |= extensions print("(+{} discovered)".format(len(derivatives[name]))) # omit exhausted classes from next iteration parents = {k: v for k, v in derivatives.items() if len(v) > 0} return num_patterns
[docs]def explore(parent: GraphPattern, candidates: set, max_length: int, max_width: int, min_support: int) -> set: """ Explore all predicate-object pairs which where added by the previous iteration as possible endpoints to expand from. :param pattern: :type pattern: GraphPattern :param candidates: :type candidates: set :param max_length: :type max_length: int :param max_width: :type max_width: int :param min_support: :type min_support: int :rtype: set """ derivatives = set() # valid patterns skipped = set() # invalid patterns with Manager() as manager: qexplore = manager.Queue() qexplore.put(parent) while not qexplore.empty(): pattern = qexplore.get() if len(pattern) >= max_length or pattern.width() >= max_width: continue for endpoint, extension in candidates: pattern_hash = predict_hash(pattern, endpoint, extension) if extension in pattern: # extension is already part of pattern continue elif pattern_hash in derivatives: # already seen and added this pattern continue elif pattern_hash in skipped: # already seen but skipped this pattern continue pattern_new = extend(pattern, endpoint, extension) # add as new if satisfies support and has a more constraint # domain than its parent or when the extension allows for # possible future extensions. if >= min_support\ and (isinstance(extension.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable) or pattern_new.parent is None or < qexplore.put(pattern_new) # explore further extensions derivatives.add(pattern_new) else: skipped.add(pattern_hash) return derivatives
[docs]def extend(pattern: GraphPattern, endpoint: Variable, extension: Assertion)\ -> GraphPattern: """ Extend a graph_pattern from a given endpoint variable by evaluating all possible candidate extensions on whether they satisfy the minimal support and confidence. :param pattern: :type pattern: GraphPattern :param a_i: :type a_i: Assertion :param a_j: :type a_j: Assertion :rtype: GraphPattern """ # create new graph_pattern by extending that of the parent pattern_new = pattern.copy() pattern_new.parent = pattern pattern_new.extend(endpoint=endpoint, extension=extension) # compute support pattern_new.domain = pattern_new._update_domain() = len(pattern_new.domain) return pattern_new
[docs]def init_root_patterns(rng: np.random.Generator, kg: KnowledgeGraph, min_support: float, mode: Literal["A", "AT", "T"], textual_support: bool, numerical_support: bool, temporal_support: bool, exclude: list[str])\ -> dict[str, list]: """ Creating all patterns of types which satisfy minimal support. :param rng: :type rng: np.random.Generator :param kg: :type kg: KnowledgeGraph :param min_support: :type min_support: float :param mode: :type mode: Literal["A", "AT", "T"] :param multimodal: :type multimodal: bool :returns: :rtype: dict[str,list] """ print("mapping root patterns") root_patterns = dict() # don't generate what we won't need generate_Abox = False generate_Tbox = False if "A" in mode: generate_Abox = True if "T" in mode: generate_Tbox = True multimodal = textual_support | numerical_support | temporal_support rdf_type = RDF + "type" rdf_type_idx = kg.r2i[rdf_type] A_type = kg.A[rdf_type_idx] # list of predicate indices to ingore exclude_idx = [kg.r2i[IRIRef(p)] for p in exclude] class_idx_list = sorted(list(set(A_type.col))) class_freq = A_type.sum(axis=0)[class_idx_list] for class_i, class_idx in enumerate(class_idx_list): # if the number of type instances do not exceed the minimal support # then any pattern of this type will not either support = class_freq[class_i] if support < min_support: continue class_name = kg.i2n[class_idx] root_patterns[class_name] = list() print(f" type {class_name}...", end='') # find all members of this class, class_members_idx = A_type.row[A_type.col == class_idx] root_var = ObjectTypeVariable(class_name) for p_idx in range(kg.num_relations): if p_idx == rdf_type_idx or p_idx in exclude_idx: continue # mask for class members that have this relation outgoing p_mask = np.isin(kg.A[p_idx].row, class_members_idx) if sum(p_mask) < min_support: # if the number of entities of type t that have this predicate # is less than the minimal support, then the overall pattern # will have less as well continue p = kg.i2r[p_idx] # list of global indices for class members with this property # plus the matching tail nodes s_idx_list = kg.A[p_idx].row[p_mask] o_idx_list = kg.A[p_idx].col[p_mask] # infer (data) type from single tail node (assume rest is same) o_type, is_literal = infer_type(kg, rdf_type_idx, o_idx_list[-1]) # assume that all objects linked by the same relation are of # the same type. This may not always be true but it is usually # the case in well-engineered graphs. See this as an # optimization by approximation. pattern = None o_idx = o_idx_list[0] inv_assertion_map = {o_idx: {s_idx_list[i] for i, idx in enumerate(o_idx_list) if idx == o_idx} for o_idx in o_idx_list} if generate_Tbox and o_idx in kg.ni2ai.keys(): # object is literal o_type = kg.i2a[kg.ni2ai[o_idx]] var_o = DataTypeVariable(o_type) pattern = new_var_graph_pattern(root_var, var_o, set(s_idx_list), p, inv_assertion_map) else: # object is entity (or bnode or literal without type) idx = np.where(A_type.row == o_idx) o_type_idx = A_type.col[idx] if len(o_type_idx) > 0: o_type = kg.i2n[o_type_idx[0]] var_o = ObjectTypeVariable(o_type) pattern = new_var_graph_pattern(root_var, var_o, set(s_idx_list), p, inv_assertion_map) if pattern is not None and >= min_support: root_patterns[class_name].append(pattern) # create graph_patterns for all predicate-object pairs # treat both entities and literals as node if generate_Abox: if multimodal and is_literal: o_freqs = Counter([kg.i2n[i].value for i in o_idx_list]) o_value_idx_map = {v: {i for i, o_idx in enumerate(o_idx_list) if kg.i2n[o_idx].value == v} for v in o_freqs.keys()} else: # if IRI o_freqs = Counter(o_idx_list) o_value_idx_map = {kg.i2n[k]: {i for i, o_idx in enumerate(o_idx_list) if k == o_idx} for k in o_freqs.keys()} for o_value, o_freq in o_freqs.items(): if o_freq < min_support: continue if not is_literal: o_value = kg.i2n[o_value] domain = {s_idx_list[i] for i in o_value_idx_map[o_value]} inv_assertion_map = {o_idx_list[i]: domain for i in o_value_idx_map[o_value]} # create new graph_pattern pattern = new_graph_pattern(root_var, p, o_value, o_type, domain, inv_assertion_map) if pattern is not None and >= min_support: root_patterns[class_name].append(pattern) if multimodal: # assume that all objects linked by the same relation are of # the same type. This may not always be true but it is usually # the case in well-engineered graphs. See this as an # optimization by approximation. o_idx = o_idx_list[-1] if o_idx in kg.ni2ai.keys(): # object is literal o_type = kg.i2a[kg.ni2ai[o_idx]] if o_type not in SUPPORTED_XSD_TYPES: continue if not textual_support and o_type in XSD_STRING: continue if not numerical_support and o_type in XSD_NUMERIC: continue if not temporal_support and o_type in XSD_TEMPORAL: continue o_values = [kg.i2n[i].value for i in o_idx_list] if len(o_values) < min_support: # if the full set does not exceed the threshold then # nor will subsets thereof continue os_idx_map = dict(zip(o_idx_list, s_idx_list)) clusters = compute_clusters(rng, o_type, o_values, o_idx_list) for members, cluster in clusters: if o_type in set.union(XSD_NUMERIC, XSD_DATETIME, XSD_DATEFRAG): var_o = MultiModalNumericVariable(o_type, cluster) else: # treat as strings var_o = MultiModalStringVariable(o_type, cluster) domain = {os_idx_map[i] for i in members} inv_assertion_map = {o_idx: domain for o_idx in members} pattern = new_mm_graph_pattern(root_var, var_o, domain, p, inv_assertion_map) if pattern is not None\ and >= min_support: root_patterns[class_name].append(pattern) tree_size = len(root_patterns[class_name]) print(" (+{} discovered)".format(tree_size)) if tree_size <= 0: del root_patterns[class_name] return root_patterns
[docs]def infer_type(kg: KnowledgeGraph, rdf_type_idx: int, node_idx: int) -> tuple[Union[IRIRef, str], bool]: """ Infer the (data) type or language tag of a resource. Defaults to rdfs:Class if none can be inferred. :param kg: :type kg: KnowledgeGraph :param rdf_type_idx: :type rdf_type_idx: int :param node_idx: :type node_idx: int :rtype: IRIRef """ if node_idx in kg.ni2ai.keys(): # this is a literal node return kg.i2a[kg.ni2ai[node_idx]], True try: idx = np.where(kg.A[rdf_type_idx].row == node_idx) class_idx = kg.A[rdf_type_idx].col[idx][0] iri = kg.i2n[class_idx] except IndexError: iri = RDFS + "Class" return iri, False
[docs]def new_graph_pattern(root_var, p: IRIRef, o_value: Union[IRIRef, rdfLiteral], o_type: IRIRef, domain: set, inv_assertion_map: dict[int, set[int]]) -> GraphPattern: """ Create a new graph_pattern and compute members and metrics :param kg: :type kg: KnowledgeGraph :param parent: :type parent: Optional[GraphPattern] :param var: :type var: ObjectTypeVariable :param p_idx: :type p_idx: int :param o_idx: :type o_idx: int :param class_members_idx: :type class_members_idx: np.ndarray :rtype: GraphPattern :returns: an instance of type GraphPattern """ assertion = Assertion(root_var, p, ResourceWrapper(o_value, o_type)) assertion._inv_idx_map = inv_assertion_map graph_pattern = GraphPattern({assertion}) graph_pattern.domain = domain = len(graph_pattern.domain) return graph_pattern
[docs]def new_var_graph_pattern(root_var, var_o: Union[ObjectTypeVariable, DataTypeVariable], domain: set, p: IRIRef, inv_assertion_map: dict[int, set[int]])\ -> GraphPattern: """ Create a new variable graph_pattern and compute members and metrics :param kg: :param parent: :type parent: Optional[GraphPattern] :param var: :type var: ObjectTypeVariable :param var_o: :type var_o: Union[ObjectTypeVariable, DataTypeVariable] :param class_members_idx: :type class_members_idx: np.ndarray :param s_idx_list: :type s_idx_list: np.ndarray :param p_idx: :type p_idx: int :rtype: GraphPattern :returns: an instance of type GraphPattern """ # assume that all objects linked by the same relation are of the same type # this may not always be true but usually it is assertion = Assertion(root_var, p, var_o) assertion._inv_idx_map = inv_assertion_map graph_pattern = GraphPattern({assertion}) graph_pattern.domain = domain = len(graph_pattern.domain) return graph_pattern
[docs]def new_mm_graph_pattern(root_var, var_o: Union[ObjectTypeVariable, DataTypeVariable], domain: set, p: IRIRef, inv_assertion_map: dict[int, set[int]])\ -> GraphPattern: """ Create a new multimodal graph_pattern and compute members and metrics :param kg: :param parent: :type parent: Optional[GraphPattern] :param var: :type var: ObjectTypeVariable :param var_o: :type var_o: Union[ObjectTypeVariable, DataTypeVariable] :param members: :type members: set :param class_members_idx: :type class_members_idx: np.ndarray :param p_idx: :type p_idx: int :rtype: GraphPattern :returns: an instance of type GraphPattern """ # assume that all objects linked by the same relation are of the same type # this may not always be true but usually it is assertion = Assertion(root_var, p, var_o) assertion._inv_idx_map = inv_assertion_map graph_pattern = GraphPattern({assertion}) graph_pattern.domain = domain = len(graph_pattern.domain) return graph_pattern