#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Union
from uuid import uuid4
from rdf.terms import IRIRef, Resource
from hypodisc.data.graph import ns2pf
[docs]class GraphPattern():
""" GraphPattern class
Holds all assertions of a graph pattern and keeps
track of the connections and distances (from the root) of these assertions.
def __init__(self,
assertions:set[Assertion] = set(),
domain:set = set(),
parent:Optional[GraphPattern] = None) -> None:
:param identity:
:type identity: IdentityAssertion
:rtype: None
self.domain = domain # type:set
self.support = len(self.domain)
self.parent = parent
self.connections = dict() # type: Dict[Assertion, set]
self.distances = dict() # type: Dict[int, set]
if len(assertions) > 0:
self.root = self._infer_root(assertions)
self.distances = self._compute_distances({self.root}, assertions)
self.connections = self._compute_connections(self.distances)
if len(assertions) == 1:
self.assertion = list(self.distances[0])[0]
def _infer_root(self, assertions:set[Assertion]) -> Variable:
""" Infer the root node of the graph
:param assertions:
:type assertions: set[Assertion]
:rtype: Variable
# infer root variable
vars_head = set()
vars_tail = set()
for lhs, _, rhs in assertions:
if isinstance(lhs, Variable):
if isinstance(rhs, Variable):
return (vars_head - vars_tail).pop()
def _compute_distances(self, targets:set[Variable],
assertions:set[Assertion], depth:int = 0)\
-> dict[int, set[Assertion]]:
""" Compute the number of hops from the root node
:param targets:
:type targets: set[Variable]
:param assertions:
:type assertions: set[Assertion]
:param depth:
:type depth: int
:rtype: dict[int, set[Assertion]]
if len(assertions) <= 0:
return dict()
distances = {depth: set()}
remainder = set()
endpoints = set()
for a in assertions:
if a.lhs in targets:
if isinstance(a.rhs, Variable):
return distances | self._compute_distances(endpoints,
depth + 1)
def _compute_connections(self, distances:dict[int, set[Assertion]])\
-> dict[Assertion, set[Assertion]]:
""" Compute the connections between statements
:param distances:
:type distances: dict[int, set[Assertion]]
:rtype: dict[Assertion, set[Assertion]]
connections = {a: set() for a_set in distances.values() for a in a_set}
varmap = {a.rhs: a for a in connections.keys()}
for d, a_set in distances.items():
if d <= 0:
for a in a_set:
a_key = varmap[a.lhs]
return connections
def _update_domain(self, assertion:Optional[Assertion] = None) -> set:
domains = list() # type: list[set[int]]
if assertion is None:
for rooted_assertion in self.distances[0]:
return set.intersection(*domains)
if len(self.connections[assertion]) <= 0:
# if there are no further connections then we only
# care about the domain
for dict_values in assertion._inv_idx_map.values():
return set.union(*domains)
arange = list()
for connection in self.connections[assertion]:
arange = set.intersection(*arange)
for obj, subs in assertion._inv_idx_map.items():
if obj in arange:
return set.union(*domains) if len(domains) > 0 else set()
[docs] def extend(self, endpoint:Variable, extension:Assertion) -> None:
""" Extend the body by appending a new assertion to an existing
:param endpoint:
:type endpoint: Assertion
:param extension:
:type extension: Assertion
:rtype: None
distance = 0
if type(endpoint) is not ObjectTypeVariable:
raise Exception('Cannot extend from this endpoint')
if endpoint.value != extension.lhs.value:
raise Exception('Cannot connect different classes')
if endpoint == self.root:
assert extension.lhs == endpoint
distance = 0
assertion = None
for a in self.connections.keys():
if a.rhs == endpoint:
assertion = a
if assertion is None:
raise Exception('No possible connection found')
# connect nodes
inv_idx_map = extension._inv_idx_map
extension = Assertion(assertion.rhs,
extension._inv_idx_map = inv_idx_map
for d, assertions in self.distances.items():
if assertion in assertions:
distance = d + 1
self.connections[extension] = set()
if distance not in self.distances.keys():
self.distances[distance] = set()
[docs] def copy(self) -> GraphPattern:
""" Create a deep copy, except for the assertions, which remain
as pointers.
:rtype: GraphPattern
g = GraphPattern(domain = {v for v in self.domain})
g.root = self.root
g.assertion = self.assertion
g.domain = {e for e in self.domain}
g.support = self.support
g.connections = {k: {v for v in self.connections[k]}
for k in self.connections.keys()}
g.distances = {k: {v for v in self.distances[k]}
for k in self.distances.keys()}
return g
def __len__(self) -> int:
""" Return the number of assertions
:rtype: int
return len(self.connections.keys())
[docs] def width(self, depth:Optional[int]=None) -> int:
"""Return the maximum number of assertions on a certain depth, or the
most overall if depth is None.
:rtype: int
if depth is None:
return max([len(s) for s in self.distances.values()])
return len(self.distances[depth])
def __contains__(self, assertion:Assertion) -> bool:
for a in self.connections.keys():
if a.equiv(assertion):
return True
return False
[docs] def contains_at_depth(self, assertion:Assertion, depth:int) -> bool:
if depth in self.distances.keys():
for a in self.distances[depth]:
if a.equiv(assertion):
return True
return False
[docs] def depth(self) -> int:
""" Return the length of the longest non-cyclic path
:rtype: int
return max(self.distances.keys())
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
""" Return true if self has less assertions or less depth
:param other:
:rtype: bool
if len(self) < len(other):
return True
if max(self.distances.keys()) < max(other.distances.keys()):
return True
return False
[docs] def as_query(self, prefix_map:dict[str, str]) -> str:
""" Return a SPARQL query representation of this pattern.
:param prefix_map:
:type prefix_map: dict[str, str]
:rtype: str
q = ''
for ns in sorted(prefix_map.keys()):
q += fr"PREFIX {prefix_map[ns]}: <{ns}>\n"
if len(prefix_map) > 0:
q += r'\n'
var_i = 97 # start with 'a'
q += r"SELECT ?s\n"
q += r"WHERE {\n"
bindings = dict()
postpone = dict()
filter = set()
for d in self.distances.keys():
for a in self.distances[d]:
if isinstance(a.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable):
if a.rhs not in bindings.keys():
bindings[a.rhs] = "_" + chr(var_i) # blank node
postpone[a.rhs] = True
var_i += 1
q += r'\t'
if d == 0:
q += "?s"
if a.lhs in bindings.keys(): # ObjectTypeVariable
if a.lhs in postpone.keys():
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.lhs.value)
q += ( f"?{bindings[a.lhs]} rdf:type "
fr"{pfe} .\n\t" )
postpone[a.lhs] = False
q += f"?{bindings[a.lhs]}"
q += f"{a.lhs}"
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.predicate)
q += f" {pfe} "
if a.rhs in bindings.keys(): # ObjectTypeVariable
q += f"?{bindings[a.rhs]}"
elif type(a.rhs) is DataTypeVariable:
var = '_' + chr(var_i)
if type(a.rhs.value) is IRIRef:
# data type
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
filter.add(f"DATATYPE(?{var}) == {pfe}")
else: # language tag
filter.add(fr"LANG(?{var}) == \"{a.rhs.value}\"")
q += f"?{var}"
var_i += 1
elif type(a.rhs) is MultiModalStringVariable:
var = '_' + chr(var_i)
filter.add(fr"REGEX(STR(?{var}), \"{a.rhs.regex}\")")
q += f"?{var}"
var_i += 1
elif type(a.rhs) is MultiModalNumericVariable:
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
var = '_' + chr(var_i)
if a.rhs.lower_bound == a.rhs.upper_bound:
f = ( fr"\"{a.rhs.lower_bound}\"^^{pfe} == "
f"?{var}" )
f = ( fr"\"{a.rhs.lower_bound}\"^^{pfe} <= "
fr"?{var} && ?{var} <= \"{a.rhs.upper_bound}\""
q += f"?{var}"
var_i += 1
elif type(a.rhs) is ResourceWrapper:
if type(a.rhs.value) is IRIRef:
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
q += f"{pfe}"
q += fr"\"{a.rhs.value}\""
if type(a.rhs.type) is IRIRef:
# data type
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.type)
q += f"^^{pfe}"
# language tag
q += f"@{a.rhs.type}"
q += f"{a.rhs}"
q += r' .\n'
if d < self.depth():
q += r'\n'
add_whitespace = True
for otype in postpone.keys():
if postpone[otype]:
if add_whitespace:
q += r'\n'
add_whitespace = False
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, otype.value)
q += ( fr"\t?{bindings[otype]} rdf:type "
fr"{pfe} .\n" )
postpone[otype] = False
if len(filter) > 0:
q += r"\n\tFILTER (\n\t\t" + r" &&\n\t\t".join(filter) + r"\n\t)\n"
q += "}"
return q
[docs] def as_dot(self, prefix_map:dict[str, str]) -> str:
""" Return a dot representation of this pattern.
:param prefix_map:
:type prefix_map: dict[str, str]
:rtype: str
labels = dict()
annotations = set()
postpone = set()
entities = dict()
classes = dict()
literals = dict()
i = 1
var_i = 97 # start with 'a'
dot = r"strict digraph { "
dot += r"subgraph glabel { glabel [shape = box, label = \""
for k,v in prefix_map.items():
dot += fr"{v}: <{k}>\\n"
dot += r"\"] } "
dot += r"edge [ minlen = 2 ];"
dot += r"\"root\" [shape = oval, label = \"?s\", style = bold ]; "
for d in self.distances.keys():
for a in self.distances[d]:
edge = ''
if a.lhs == self.root:
edge += r"\"root\""
else: # ObjectTypeVariable
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.lhs.value)
class_lab = fr"\"{pfe}\""
if a.lhs.value not in entities.keys():
entities[a.lhs.value] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = entities[a.lhs.value]
edge += node_id
if node_id not in labels.keys():
labels[node_id] = fr"\"?_{chr(var_i)}\""
var_i += 1
if class_lab not in classes.keys():
classes[class_lab] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
class_id = classes[class_lab]
if class_id not in labels.keys():
labels[class_id] = class_lab
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {class_id} "
r"[label = \"rdf:type\"]; ")
edge += " -> "
if isinstance(a.rhs, ObjectTypeVariable):
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
class_lab = fr"\"{pfe}\""
if a.rhs.value not in entities.keys():
entities[a.rhs.value] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = entities[a.rhs.value]
edge += node_id
if node_id not in labels.keys():
labels[node_id] = fr"\"?_{chr(var_i)}\""
var_i += 1
if class_lab not in classes.keys():
classes[class_lab] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
class_id = classes[class_lab]
if class_id not in labels.keys():
labels[class_id] = class_lab
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {class_id} "
r"[label = \"rdf:type\"]; ")
elif type(a.rhs) is DataTypeVariable:
literals[a.rhs] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = literals[a.rhs]
edge += node_id
if node_id not in labels.keys():
labels[node_id] = fr"\"?_{chr(var_i)}\""
var_i += 1
ann_id = f"n{i}"
i += 1
if type(a.rhs.value) is IRIRef:
# data type
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
labels[ann_id] = fr"\"{pfe}\""
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = datatype, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
else: # language tag
labels[ann_id] = fr"\"{a.rhs.value}\""
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = language, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
elif type(a.rhs) is MultiModalStringVariable:
literals[a.rhs] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = literals[a.rhs]
edge += node_id
if node_id not in labels.keys():
labels[node_id] = fr"\"?_{chr(var_i)}\""
var_i += 1
ann_id = f"n{i}"
i += 1
labels[ann_id] = fr"\"\\\"{a.rhs.regex}\\\"\""
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = regex, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
elif type(a.rhs) is MultiModalNumericVariable:
literals[a.rhs] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = literals[a.rhs]
edge += node_id
if node_id not in labels.keys():
labels[node_id] = fr"\"?_{chr(var_i)}\""
var_i += 1
ann_id = f"n{i}"
i += 1
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
labels[ann_id] = ( fr"\"{pfe}\"")
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = datatype, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
ann_id = f"n{i}"
i += 1
labels[ann_id] = ( fr"\"[{a.rhs.lower_bound}, "
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = range, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
elif type(a.rhs) is ResourceWrapper:
if type(a.rhs.value) is IRIRef:
if a.rhs.value not in entities.keys():
entities[a.rhs.value] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = entities[a.rhs.value]
edge += node_id
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.value)
labels[node_id] = fr"\"{pfe}\""
literals[a.rhs] = f"n{i}"
i += 1
node_id = literals[a.rhs]
edge += node_id
ann_id = f"n{i}"
i += 1
if type(a.rhs.type) is IRIRef:
# data type
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.rhs.type)
labels[node_id] = fr"\"{a.rhs.value}\""
labels[ann_id] = fr"\"{pfe}\""
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = datatype, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
# language tag
labels[node_id] = fr"\"{a.rhs.value}\""
labels[ann_id] = fr"\"{a.rhs.type}\""
postpone.add(fr"{node_id} -> {ann_id} "
"[label = language, style = dashed, "
"arrowhead = none]; ")
pfe = ns2pf(prefix_map, a.predicate)
edge += fr"[label = \"{pfe}\"]; "
dot += edge
for t in postpone:
dot += t
for node_id in entities.values():
lab = labels[node_id]
dot += fr"{node_id} [shape = oval, label = {lab}]; "
for node_id in classes.values():
lab = labels[node_id]
dot += fr"{node_id} [shape = box, label = {lab}]; "
for node_id in literals.values():
lab = labels[node_id]
dot += fr"{node_id} [shape = plaintext, label = {lab}]; "
for node_id in annotations:
lab = labels[node_id]
dot += fr"{node_id} [shape = plain, label = {lab}]; "
return dot + '}'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return an internal string representation
:rtype: str
return "GraphPattern [{}]".format(str(self))
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a string representation
:rtype: str
return "{" + "; ".join([str(assertion) for assertion in
sorted(self.connections.keys())]) + "}"
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(str(self))
[docs]class ResourceWrapper(IRIRef):
""" Resource Wrapper class
A wrapper which can take on any value of a certain resource, but which
stores additional information
def __init__(self, resource:Resource,
type:Optional[IRIRef]=None) -> None:
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:params resource: the IRI or Literal value
:returns: None
self.type = type
def __eq__(self, other:ResourceWrapper) -> bool:
if type(other) is not ResourceWrapper:
return False
return self.type == other.type\
and self.value == other.value
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "RESOURCE [{}]".format(str(self.value))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "Resource {} [{}]".format(str(id(self)), str(self))
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(str(self))
[docs]class Variable(IRIRef):
""" Variable class
An unbound variable which can take on any value of a certain object or
data type resource. Each instance has an unique ID to allow this object to
be used as variable shared between assertions.
def __init__(self, resource:IRIRef) -> None:
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:params resource: the IRI of the class or datatype
:returns: None
self._uuid = uuid4().hex
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "VAR {}".format(self._uuid)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "Variable {}".format(self._uuid)
def __lt__(self, other:Variable) -> bool:
return str(self) < str(other)
def __eq__(self, other:Variable) -> bool:
return type(self) is type(other)\
and self._uuid == other._uuid
[docs] def equiv(self, other:Variable) -> bool:
return type(self) is type(other)\
and self.value == other.value
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(str(self))
[docs]class TypeVariable(Variable):
""" Type Variable class
An unbound variable which can take on any value of a certain object or
data type resource. Each instance has an unique ID to allow this object to
be used as variable shared between assertions.
def __init__(self, resource:IRIRef) -> None:
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:params resource: the IRI of the class or datatype
:returns: None
[docs] def equiv(self, other:TypeVariable) -> bool:
return type(self) is type(other)\
and self.value == other.value
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "TYPE [{}]".format(str(self.value))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "TypeVariable {} [{}]".format(self._uuid,
[docs]class ObjectTypeVariable(TypeVariable):
""" Object Type Variable class
An unbound variable which can be any member of an object type class
def __init__(self, resource:IRIRef):
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:params resource: the IRI of the class
:returns: None
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "OBJECT TYPE [{}]".format(str(self.value))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "ObjectTypeVariable {} [{}]".format(self._uuid,
[docs]class DataTypeVariable(TypeVariable):
""" Data Type Variable class
An unbound variable which can take on any value of a data type class
def __init__(self, resource:IRIRef):
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:params resource: the IRI of the datatype
:returns: None
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "DATA TYPE ({})".format(str(self.value))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "DataTypeVariable [{}]".format(str(self.value))
[docs]class MultiModalVariable(DataTypeVariable):
""" Multimodal Variable class
An unbound variable which conveys a description of a cluster of values for
node features.
def __init__(self, resource:IRIRef):
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:params resource: the IRI of the datatype
:returns: None
self.dtype = resource.value.split('/')[-1]
if '#' in self.dtype:
self.dtype = self.dtype.split('#')[-1]
[docs] def equiv(self, other:MultiModalVariable) -> bool:
return type(self) is type(other)\
and self.value == other.value\
and self.dtype == other.dtype
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "MULTIMODAL [{}]".format(str(self.value))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "MultiModalVariable [{} - {}]".format(str(self.dtype),
[docs]class MultiModalNumericVariable(MultiModalVariable):
""" Numeric Variable class """
_leq = chr(0x2264) # <= sign
def __init__(self, resource:IRIRef,
crange:tuple[float, float]) -> None:
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:returns: None
self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound = crange
[docs] def equiv(self, other:MultiModalNumericVariable) -> bool:
""" Return true if self and other represent the same
datatype, and have the same mean and variance.
:param other:
:type other: MultiModalNumericVariable
:rtype: bool
return type(self) is type(other)\
and self.dtype == other.dtype\
and self.value == other.value\
and self.lower_bound == other.lower_bound\
and self.upper_bound == other.upper_bound
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return (f"{self.dtype}: {self.lower_bound:.2E} "
f"{self._leq} x {self._leq} {self.upper_bound:.2E}")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "MultiModalVariable {}".format(str(self))
[docs]class MultiModalStringVariable(MultiModalVariable):
""" String Variable class """
def __init__(self, resource, regex) -> None:
""" Initialize and instance of this class
:returns: None
self.regex = regex
[docs] def equiv(self, other:MultiModalStringVariable) -> bool:
""" Return true if self and other represent the same
datatype, and have the same regular expression.
:param other:
:type other: MultiModalStringVariable
:rtype: bool
# does not account for equivalent regex patterns
return type(self) is type(other)\
and self.value == other.value\
and self.regex == other.regex
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return a description of this variable
:returns: a description of this variable
:rtype: str
return f"{self.dtype}: {self.regex}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
""" Return a technical description of this variable
:returns: a technical description of this variable
:rtype: str
return "MultiModalVariable {}".format(str(self))
[docs]class Assertion(tuple):
""" Assertion class
Wrapper around tuple (an assertion) that gives each instantiation an
unique uuid which allows for comparisons between assertions with the
same values. This is needed when either lhs or rhs use TypeVariables.
def __new__(cls, subject:Union[ResourceWrapper, Variable],
object:Union[ResourceWrapper, Variable]) -> Assertion:
""" Create a new instance of Assertion
:param subject: the subject of an assertion
:param predicate: the predicate of an assertion
:param object: the object of an assertion
:returns: a new instance of Assertion
return super().__new__(cls, (subject, predicate, object))
def __init__(self, subject:Union[ResourceWrapper, Variable],
object:Union[ResourceWrapper, Variable],
_uuid:Optional[str] = None) -> None:
""" Initialize a new instance of Assertion
:param subject: the subject of an assertion
:param predicate: the predicate of an assertion
:param object: the object of an assertion
:param _uuid: identifier of this instance
:returns: None
self.lhs = subject
self.predicate = predicate
self.rhs = object
self.uuid = _uuid if _uuid is not None else 'A' + uuid4().hex
self._inv_idx_map = dict() # type: dict[int,set[int]]
[docs] def copy(self, deep:bool = False) -> Assertion:
""" Return a copy of this object
:param deep: Copy the UUID and HASH as well
:returns: a copy of type Assertion
:rtype: Assertion
copy = Assertion(self.lhs, self.predicate, self.rhs)
if deep:
copy.uuid = self.uuid
return copy
def __getnewargs__(self) -> Assertion:
""" Pickle elements correctly
:returns: an instance of Assertion
:rtype: Assertion
return Assertion(self.lhs, self.predicate, self.rhs)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
""" Return unique hash for each assertion, regardless of content.
:rtype: int
return hash(str(self))
def __str__(self) -> str:
""" Return the string description of this assertion
:returns: a description of this assertion
:rtype: str
return "(" + ', '.join([str(self.lhs),
str(self.rhs)]) + ")"
def __lt__(self, other:Assertion) -> bool:
""" Compare assertions per element
:returns: true if self < other else false
:rtype: str
if self.predicate < other.predicate:
return True
if self.predicate == other.predicate:
if self.lhs < other.lhs:
return True
if self.lhs == other.lhs and self.rhs < other.rhs:
return True
return False
[docs] def equal(self, other:Assertion) -> bool:
""" Return true if assertions are equal content wise
:param other:
:type other: Assertion
:rtype: bool
if self.predicate == other.predicate\
and self.lhs == self.lhs\
and self.rhs == self.rhs:
return True
return False
[docs] def equiv(self, other:Assertion) -> bool:
""" Return true is assertions are equivalent, which implies that they
state the same or have an entity/attribute that is an instance of the
type specified by the other.
:param other:
:type other: Assertion
:rtype: bool
if self.equal(other):
return True
if self.predicate != other.predicate\
or not self.lhs.equiv(other.lhs):
return False
# one is an instance of the other's type
for a_rhs, b_rhs in [(self.rhs, other.rhs),
(other.rhs, self.rhs)]:
if isinstance(a_rhs, TypeVariable)\
and isinstance(b_rhs, ResourceWrapper)\
and a_rhs.value == b_rhs.type:
return True
return False