Source code for hypodisc.core.utils

#! /usr/bin/env python

from typing import Optional, Tuple
import random
import sys
    import tomllib as toml
except ImportError:
        import toml
    except ImportError:
        print("Outdated Python version detected.\n"
              "Please install 'toml' to continue: "
              " pip3 install toml")

import numpy as np

from rdf.terms import Literal, IRIRef
from rdf.namespaces import RDF, RDFS, XSD

from hypodisc.core.structures import Assertion, GraphPattern, Variable

[docs]def predict_hash(pattern:GraphPattern, endpoint:Variable, extension:Assertion) -> int: connections = {Assertion(endpoint, extension.predicate, extension.rhs)} connections.update(pattern.connections.keys()) return hash("{" + "; ".join([str(assertion) for assertion in sorted(connections)]) + "}")
[docs]def floatProbabilityArg(arg:str) -> float: """ Custom argument type for probability :param arg: user provided argument string containing a real-valued value :type arg: str :rtype: float :returns: a probability in [0, 1] """ p = 1.0 try: p = float(arg) except: raise Exception(f"'{arg}' is not a valid probability. " + "Expects a real value in [0, 1].") assert 0. <= p <= 1. return p
[docs]def strNamespaceArg(arg:str) -> Tuple[str, str]: try: arg_split = arg.split(':') pf = arg_split[0] ns = ':'.join(arg_split[1:]) if ns.startswith('<') and ns.endswith('>'): ns = ns[1:-1] except: raise Exception(f"'{arg}' is not a valid list of " +"prefix:namespace pairs.") return pf, ns
[docs]def integerRangeArg(arg:str) -> range: """ Custom argument type for range :param arg: user provided argument string of form 'from:to', ':to', or 'to', with 'from' and 'to' being positive integers. :type arg: str :rtype: range :returns: range of values to explore """ begin = 0 arg_lst = arg.split(':') try: end = int(arg_lst[-1]) if len(arg_lst) > 1 and len(arg_lst[0]) > 0: begin = int(arg_lst[0]) except: raise Exception("'" + arg + "' is not a range of numbers. " + "Expects '0:3', ':3', or '3'.") # check if range is valid assert begin >= 0 and end >= 0 and begin <= end return range(begin, end)
[docs]def read_version(filename:str) -> str: """ Parse the project's version :param filename: path to 'pyproject.toml' :type filename: str :rtype: str :returns: the project's version as a string """ mode = 'rb' if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) else 'r' with open(filename, mode) as f: rc = toml.load(f) try: version = rc["project"]["version"] except: version = "unknown" return version
[docs]def rng_set_seed(seed:Optional[int] = None) -> np.random.Generator: """ Set seed of the random number generators. :param seed: a custom seed (optional) :type seed: Optional[int] :rtype: np.random.Generator :returns: a random number generator """ random.seed(a = seed) # set Python seed return np.random.default_rng(seed)