#! /usr/bin/env python
from pathlib import Path
from hypodisc.core.structures import GraphPattern
from rdf.formats import NTriples
from rdf.namespaces import XSD
from rdf.terms import IRIRef, Literal
REPO_IRI = IRIRef("https://gitlab.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc#")
[docs]def write_query(f_out:NTriples, pattern:GraphPattern, num_patterns:int,
base:IRIRef, prefix_map:dict[str, str]) -> int:
num_patterns += 1
pattern_iri = base + f"#Query_{num_patterns}"
pSupport = REPO_IRI + "hasSupport"
pLength = REPO_IRI + "hasLength"
pWidth = REPO_IRI + "hasWidth"
pDepth = REPO_IRI + "hasDepth"
pDot = REPO_IRI + "hasDOTRepresentation"
pPattern = REPO_IRI + "hasPattern"
qpattern = Literal(pattern.as_query(prefix_map),
datatype = XSD + "string")
qdotrep = Literal(pattern.as_dot(prefix_map),
datatype = XSD + "string")
qsupport = Literal(str(pattern.support),
datatype = XSD+"nonNegativeInteger")
qlength = Literal(str(len(pattern)),
datatype = XSD+"nonNegativeInteger")
qwidth = Literal(str(pattern.width()),
datatype = XSD+"nonNegativeInteger")
qdepth = Literal(str(pattern.depth()),
datatype = XSD+"nonNegativeInteger")
f_out.write((pattern_iri, pPattern, qpattern))
f_out.write((pattern_iri, pDot, qdotrep))
f_out.write((pattern_iri, pSupport, qsupport))
f_out.write((pattern_iri, pLength, qlength))
f_out.write((pattern_iri, pWidth, qwidth))
f_out.write((pattern_iri, pDepth, qdepth))
return num_patterns
[docs]def mkfile(directory:str, basename:str, extension:str) -> Path:
""" Return path to a new file. Adds numerical suffix if
the file already exists.
:param directory:
:type directory: str
:param basename:
:type basename: str
:param extension:
:type extension: str
:rtype: Path
if not extension.startswith('.'):
extension = '.' + extension
out = Path(directory).joinpath(basename).with_suffix(extension)
if not out.exists():
return out
suffix = 1
while out.exists():
outname = f"{basename}-{suffix}"
out = Path(directory).joinpath(outname).with_suffix(extension)
suffix += 1
return out