Source code for hypodisc.multimodal.langutil

#! /usr/bin/env python

from operator import itemgetter
from string import punctuation
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

REGEX_ILLEGAL_CHARS = ['[',']','\\','^','*','+','?','{',
                       '}','|','(',')','$','.', '"']
REGEX_LOWER = "[a-z]"
REGEX_DIGIT = "[0-9]"
REGEX_PUNCT = "[(\.|\?|!)]"  # subset
REGEX_OTHER = "[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\?! ]"

[docs]class RegexCharSet(): def __init__(self, complement:bool = False) -> None: """ A regular expression character set, representing a solitary character (eg '\\s'), a group with optional alternatives (eg '(a|b|c)'), or a range (eg '[a-z]'). :param complement: :type complement: bool :rtype: None """ self.complement = complement self._charset = np.empty(0, dtype=str) self._values = set() self._count = [[0,0]]
[docs] def exact(self) -> str: """ Return a reduced character set that exactly matches the input, but nothing beyond it. :rtype: str """ return str(self)
[docs] def merge(self, other:Union['RegexCharRange', 'RegexCharAtom']) -> Union['RegexCharRange', 'RegexCharAtom']: """ Return a new character set object which encompasses both self and other, by merging the sets and adjusting the quantifiers. :param other: :type other: Union['RegexCharRange', 'RegexCharAtom'] :rtype: Union['RegexCharRange','RegexCharAtom'] """ # assume that order matters charsets = [cs for cs in self._charset] for cs in other._charset: if cs not in charsets: charsets.append(cs) charsets = _collapse_charsets(charsets) charsets = np.array(charsets, dtype=str) count = [[0,0] for _ in range(len(charsets))] charset_map = {v:i for i,v in enumerate(charsets)} for i, charset in enumerate(self._charset): idx = charset_map[charset] count[idx][0] = self._count[i][0] count[idx][1] = self._count[i][1] for i, charset in enumerate(other._charset): idx = charset_map[charset] if count[idx][0] == 0: # this charset is unique to other count[idx][0] = other._count[i][0] count[idx][1] = other._count[i][1] else: # this charset is merged count[idx][0] = min(count[idx][0], other._count[i][0]) count[idx][1] = max(count[idx][1], other._count[i][1]) if type(self) is RegexCharAtom and type(other) is RegexCharAtom: if len(charsets) == 1: # same charset merged = RegexCharAtom(charsets[0]) else: # different charset begin = min(ord(self.charset()[-1]), ord(other.charset()[-1])) end = max(ord(self.charset()[-1]), ord(other.charset()[-1])) charset = np.array([f'[{begin}-{end}]'], dtype=str) merged = RegexCharRange(charset = charset) else: merged = RegexCharRange(charset=charsets) merged._values = set.union(self._values, other._values) merged._count = count return merged
[docs] def charset(self) -> str: """ Return the full character set without quantifiers. :rtype: str """ out = '' if len(self) > 0: out = ''.join(self._charset) if type(self) is RegexCharRange: pre = '[' if not self.complement else '[^' out = pre + out + ']' return out
[docs] def equiv(self, other:Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange']) -> bool: """ Return true if self and other have the same full character set, ignoring any quantifiers. :param other: :type other: Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange'] :rtype: bool """ return self.charset() == other.charset()
[docs] def weak_match(self, other:Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange']) -> bool: """ Return true if self and other have the same reduced character set and quantifiers. :param other: :type other: Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange'] :rtype: bool """ return str(self) == str(other)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of this object. :rtype: str """ return str(self) def __lt__(self, other:Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange']) -> bool: """ Return true if self has a less complex character class or has less characters associated with it. :param other: :type other: Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange'] :rtype: bool """ if len(self._charset) < len(other._charset): return True if len(self._charset) == len(other._charset): for i in range(len(self._charset)): if self._charset[i] < other._charset[i]: return True if self._count < other._count: return True return False def __eq__(self, other:Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange']) -> bool: """ Return true if self and other have the same full character set, including any quantifiers. :param other: :type other: Union['RegexCharAtom', 'RegexCharRange'] :rtype: bool """ return self.exact() == other.exact() def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the shortest string length that would match the character set. :rtype: int """ return sum(c[0] for c in self._count) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Print the full character class, including quantifiers. :rtype: str """ out = ''.join(self._charset) if type(self) is RegexCharRange: pre = '[' if not self.complement else '[^' out = pre + out + ']' q_min = sum([c[0] for c in self._count]) q_max = sum([c[1] for c in self._count]) if q_min > 1 or q_max > q_min: out += '{' + str(q_min) if q_max > q_min: out += f',{q_max}' out += '}' return out def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Return a hash values based on the full character class, including quantifiers. :rtype: int """ return hash(self.exact())
[docs]class RegexCharAtom(RegexCharSet): def __init__(self, charset_str:str) -> None: """ A regular expression character set, representing a solitary character (eg '\\s'). :param value: :type value: str :rtype: None """ super().__init__() assert len(charset_str) == 1 or (len(charset_str) == 2 and charset_str.startswith('\\')) self._charset = np.array([charset_str], dtype=str) self._count = [[0,0] for _ in range(len(self._charset))]
[docs] def add(self, char:Optional[str]) -> None: """ Add character to character set count. :param char: :type char: str :rtype: None """ self._values.add(char) self._count[0][0] += 1 self._count[0][1] += 1
[docs] def exact(self) -> str: """ Return true if self and other have the same reduced character set and quantifiers. :rtype: str """ out = str(self._charset[0]) if self._count[0][0] > 1\ or self._count[0][1] > self._count[0][0]: out += '{' + str(self._count[0][0]) if self._count[0][1] > self._count[0][0]: out += ',' + str(self._count[0][1]) out += '}' return out
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'RegexCharAtom': """ Return a deep copy of this character set. :rtype: 'RegexCharAtom' """ c = RegexCharAtom(str(self._charset[0])) c._values = {v for v in self._values} c._count = [[i for i in c] for c in self._count] return c
[docs]class RegexCharRange(RegexCharSet): def __init__(self, charset:Optional[np.ndarray] = None, charset_str:Optional[str] = None, complement:bool = False) -> None: """ A regular expression character set, representing a group with optional alternatives (eg '(a|b|c)'), or a range (eg '[a-z]'). :param charset: :type charset: Optional[np.ndarray] :param charset_str: :type charset_str: Optional[str] :param complement: :type complement: bool :rtype: None """ super().__init__() self.complement = complement assert charset is not None or charset_str is not None if charset is not None: assert len(charset) > 0 self._charset = charset elif charset_str is not None: assert charset_str[0] == '[' and charset_str[-1] == ']' self._update_charset(charset_str) self._count = [[0,0] for _ in range(len(self._charset))]
[docs] def add(self, char:str) -> None: """ Add character to character set count. :param char: :type char: str :rtype: None """ cs_idx = self._isidx(char) if cs_idx < 0: return self._values.add(char) self._count[cs_idx][0] += 1 self._count[cs_idx][1] += 1
[docs] def exact(self) -> str: """ Return true if self and other have the same reduced character set and quantifiers. :rtype: str """ if len(self) <= 0 or self.complement: return str(self) out = '' for i, cs in enumerate(self._charset): # range [x-y] if '-' in cs: begin, end = cs.split('-') members = [ord(v) for v in self._values\ if ord(v) in range(ord(begin), ord(end) + 1)] if len(members) <= 0: continue begin = chr(min(members)) end = chr(max(members)) if begin == end: out += f'{begin}' else: out += f'[{begin}-{end}]' if self._count[i][0] > 1\ or self._count[i][1] > self._count[i][0]: out += '{' + str(self._count[i][0]) if self._count[i][1] > self._count[i][0]: out += ',' + str(self._count[i][1]) out += '}' else: if cs[0] == '(' and cs[-1] == ")": # group (...) valueset = cs[1:-1].split('|') else: # fallback check valueset = cs members = list() for v in self._values: if v in REGEX_ILLEGAL_CHARS: v = '\\' + v if v in valueset: members.append(v) if len(members) <= 0: continue elif len(members) == 1: v = members[0] out += f"{v}" else: values = '|'.join(members) out += f"({values})" if self._count[i][0] > 1\ or self._count[i][1] > self._count[i][0]: out += '{' + str(self._count[i][0]) if self._count[i][1] > self._count[i][0]: out += ',' + str(self._count[i][1]) out += '}' return out
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'RegexCharRange': """ Return a deep copy of this object. :rtype: 'RegexCharRange' """ c = RegexCharRange(charset = np.copy(self._charset)) c._values = {v for v in self._values} c._count = [[i for i in c] for c in self._count] c.complement = self.complement return c
def _update_charset(self, value:str) -> None: """ Parse a string representation of a character set. :param value: :type value: str :rtype: None """ if value[1] == '^': self.complement = True charset_lst = list() for cs in [REGEX_LOWER, REGEX_UPPER, REGEX_DIGIT, REGEX_OTHER]: if cs[1:-1] in value[1:-1]: charset_lst.append(cs[1:-1]) if value[1] == '(' and value[-2] == ")": # group (...) charset_lst.append(value[1:-1]) self._charset = np.array(charset_lst, dtype=str) def _isidx(self, char:str) -> int: """ Return the index of the corresponding character class if it exists, or -1 otherwise. :param char: :type char: str :rtype: int """ idx = -1 # non found code for i, cs in enumerate(self._charset): # range [x-y] if '-' in cs: assert len(cs) == 3 begin, end = cs.split('-') if ord(char) in range(ord(begin), ord(end) + 1): idx = i break else: if cs[0] == '(' and cs[-1] == ")": # group (...) values = cs[1:-1].split('|') else: # fallback check values = cs if char in values: idx = i break if self.complement and idx >= 0: # return non found code if a match is found return -1 return idx
[docs]class RegexPattern(): def __init__(self) -> None: """ A regular expression consisting of solitary characters (eg '\\s'), groups with optional alternatives (eg '(a|b|c)'), and ranges (eg '[a-z]'). :rtype: None """ self.pattern = list() # type: list[Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange]]
[docs] def add(self, charset:Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange]) -> None: """ Add a character set to this regular expression. Character sets are assumed ordered sequentially. :param value: :type value: Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange] :rtype: None """ self.pattern.append(charset)
[docs] def exact(self) -> str: """ Return a reduced pattern that exactly matches the input, but nothing beyond it. :rtype: str """ out = '' for char in self.pattern: out += char.exact() return '^' + out + '$'
[docs] def generalize(self) -> 'RegexPattern': """ Generalize character sets on word level. For example, '[A-Z][a-z]{2}\\s' would yield '[A-Za-z]{3}'. The generalized expression is returned as a new instance. :rtype: 'RegexPattern' """ p = self.copy() if len(p) <= 1: return p pattern = list() cs_prev = p.pattern[0] if len(self.pattern) > 0 else None for i in range(1, len(p.pattern)): cs = p.pattern[i] if type(cs) is RegexCharRange\ and type(cs_prev) is RegexCharRange: cs_prev = cs_prev.merge(cs) if i >= len(p.pattern) - 1: # account for last member pattern.append(cs_prev) continue pattern.append(cs_prev) if i <= 0: # account for first member pattern.append(cs_prev) if i >= len(p.pattern) - 1: # account for last member pattern.append(cs) cs_prev = cs p.pattern = pattern return p
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'RegexPattern': """ Return a deep copy of this object. :rtype: 'RegexPattern' """ p = RegexPattern() for cs in self.pattern: p.pattern.append(cs.copy()) return p
[docs] def weak_match(self, other:'RegexPattern') -> bool: """ Return a reduced regular expresion that exactly matches the input, but nothing beyond it. :param other: :type other: 'RegexPattern' :rtype: bool """ return str(self) == str(other)
[docs] def equiv(self, other:'RegexPattern') -> bool: """ Return true if self has the same full expression as other, excluding quantifiers. :param other: :type other: 'RegexPattern' :rtype: bool """ return len(self) == len(other) and not False in\ [cs.charset() == ocs.charset()\ for cs, ocs in zip(self.pattern, other.pattern)]
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of this object, including quantifiers. :rtype: str """ return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of the full expression, including quantifiers. :rtype: str """ out = '' for char in self.pattern: out += str(char) return '^' + out + '$' def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the number of unique character sets in this pattern. :rtype: int """ return len(self.pattern) def __lt__(self, other:'RegexPattern') -> bool: """ Return true if self has a less complex pattern than other. :param other: :type other: 'RegexPattern' :rtype: bool """ return len(self) < len(other) or (len(self) == len(other)\ and True in [cs < ocs for cs, ocs in zip(self.pattern, other.pattern)]) def __eq__(self, other:'RegexPattern') -> bool: """ Return true if self has the same full expression as other, including quantifiers. :param other: :type other: 'RegexPattern' :rtype: bool """ return self.exact() == other.exact() def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Return a hash value based on the full expression, including quantifiers. :rtype: int """ return hash(self.exact())
[docs]def generalize_patterns(patterns:dict[RegexPattern,set[int]], num_recursions:int = 1) -> dict[RegexPattern,set[int]]: """ Generalize dictionary of regular expressions inplace, by merging similar patterns and by aligning quantifiers. :param patterns: :type patterns: dict[RegexPattern,int] :param num_recursions: :type num_recursions: int :rtype: dict[RegexPattern,int] """ if len(patterns) <= 0: return patterns generalized_patterns = dict() #type: dict[RegexPattern, set[int]] for l in {len(p) for p in patterns.keys()}: # pattern with same number of subpatterns subset = {p:m for p,m in patterns.items() if len(p) == l} for p, members in _generalize_patterns_uniform(subset).items(): if p not in generalized_patterns.keys(): generalized_patterns[p] = set() generalized_patterns[p] = generalized_patterns[p].union(members) if num_recursions > 0: nrec = num_recursions - 1 for p, members in generalize_patterns(generalized_patterns, num_recursions = nrec).items(): # don't sum here since that is already done in the called function generalized_patterns[p] = members return generalized_patterns
def _generalize_patterns_uniform(patterns:dict[RegexPattern,set[int]])\ -> dict[RegexPattern,set[int]]: """ Generalize patterns of same length by updating quantifiers. :param patterns: :type patterns: dict[RegexPattern,int] :rtype: dict[RegexPattern,int] """ if len(patterns) <= 1: # nothing to merge return dict() # deterministic order i2p = list(patterns.keys()) # match on unquantified character (set) pattern_mat = np.array([[cs.charset() for cs in p.pattern] for p in i2p], dtype=str) eq_mat = pattern_mat[:, None] == pattern_mat # elementwise matching # find matching patterns matches = set() nonmatches = list() for i in range(eq_mat.shape[0]): match_idx = np.where(eq_mat[i].all(axis = -1))[0] if len(match_idx) >= 2: # two or more patterns are similar matches.add(tuple(match_idx)) continue nonmatches.append(i) # merge matching patterns out = dict() #type: dict[RegexPattern, set[int]] for match_idx in matches: siblings = list(itemgetter(*match_idx)(i2p)) merged_pattern = _merge_patterns(siblings) members = set.union(*[patterns[i2p[i]] for i in match_idx]) if merged_pattern not in patterns.keys(): out[merged_pattern] = members continue out[merged_pattern] = patterns[merged_pattern].union(members) return out def _merge_patterns(patterns:list[RegexPattern]) -> RegexPattern: """ Merge two or more patterns :param patterns: :type patterns: list[RegexPattern] :rtype: RegexPattern """ num_charsets = len(patterns[0]) merged_pattern = RegexPattern() for i in range(num_charsets): # merge character sets charsets = [rp.pattern[i] for rp in patterns] merged_cs = _merge_charsets(charsets) merged_pattern.add(merged_cs) return merged_pattern def _merge_charsets(charsets:list) -> Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange]: """ Merge two or more character sets :param charsets: :type charsets: list :rtype: Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange] """ charset = charsets[0] for charset_next in charsets[1:]: charset = charset.merge(charset_next) return charset
[docs]def generate_regex(s:str, strip_punctuation:bool = True) -> RegexPattern: """ Generate regular expresion that fits string. :param s: :type s: str :param strip_punctuation: :type strip_punctuation: bool :rtype: RegexPattern """ # remove unecessary white space and punctuation s = ' '.join(s.split()) if strip_punctuation: s.translate(str.maketrans('', '', punctuation)) slen = len(s) pattern = RegexPattern() if slen <= 0: # empty string return pattern char_set = _mkcharset(_char_to_regex(s[0])) char_set.add(s[0]) for i in range(1, slen): symbol_char_set = _char_to_regex(s[i]) if symbol_char_set == char_set.charset(): # pattern continues still char_set.add(s[i]) # account for final character if i >= slen - 1: pattern.add(char_set) continue # add interupted pattern to output pattern.add(char_set) # start next char set char_set = _mkcharset(symbol_char_set) char_set.add(s[i]) # account for final character if i >= slen - 1: pattern.add(char_set) return pattern
def _mkcharset(char_set:str) -> Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange]: """ Wrap a character set string in a dedicated object. :param char_set: :type char_set: str :rtype: Union[RegexCharAtom, RegexCharRange] """ if char_set in {REGEX_DIGIT, REGEX_LOWER, REGEX_UPPER, REGEX_PUNCT}: char_set_object = RegexCharRange(charset_str = char_set) else: # white space and other non-word chars char_set_object = RegexCharAtom(char_set) return char_set_object def _char_to_regex(c:str) -> str: """ Return suitable character class or (escaped) char if none fit. :param c: :type c: str :rtype: str """ char_class = _character_class(c) if char_class == REGEX_OTHER: if c in REGEX_ILLEGAL_CHARS: # escape char c = "\\" + c return c return char_class def _character_class(c:str) -> str: """ Infer character class. :param c: :type c: str :rtype: str """ if c.isalpha(): char_class = REGEX_LOWER if c.islower() else REGEX_UPPER elif c.isdigit(): char_class = REGEX_DIGIT elif c.isspace(): char_class = REGEX_WHITE_SPACE elif c == "." or c == "?" or c == "!": char_class = REGEX_PUNCT else: char_class = REGEX_OTHER return char_class def _inrange(charset:str, char:str, complement:bool = False) -> bool: """ Return true if character is part of a character set, or false if the complement is asked. :param charset: :type charset: str :param char: :type char: str :param complement: :type complement: bool :rtype: bool """ isin = False if charset[0] == '[' and charset[-1] == ']': charset = charset[1:-1] # range [x-y] if '-' in charset: assert len(charset) == 3 begin, end = charset.split('-') if ord(char) in range(ord(begin), ord(end) + 1): isin = True else: if charset[0] == '(' and charset[-1] == ")": # group (...) values = charset[1:-1].split('|') else: # fallback check values = charset if char in values: isin = True if complement: isin = not isin return isin def _collapse_charsets(charsets:list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Remove unecessary character sets, by removing characters which are already represented by a character set. :param charsets: :type charsets: list[str] :rtype: list[str] """ out = list() for i in range(len(charsets)): cs = charsets[i] if not(len(cs) == 1 or len(cs) == 2 and cs.startswith('\\')): # not a character out.append(cs) continue is_contained = False for j in range(len(charsets)): if i == j: continue if _inrange(charsets[j], cs[-1]): is_contained = True break if not is_contained: out.append(cs) return out